Client Communications
As a way of helping understand how our advisors work with clients over the course of differing types of markets, the following includes emails and letters sent to clients over time. It is important to pay particular attention to the publication date to ensure an appropriate understanding of the relationship between the article and what was actually transpiring at that moment in time. Markets change over time and so does our advice to clients.
The Midway Mark and Portfolio Reviews
It may be hard to believe, but the "dog days" [...]
Consumer Spending During a Pandemic
As we head toward the July 4th holiday, the news [...]
The Economy Begins to Re-open
As you have probably heard by now, the jobs report [...]
A Disconnect in the Market
A comment I hear from clients, friends, and others on [...]
The Most Powerful Force in the Universe
An article that appears in Capital at Play – May [...]
Update from White Oak
I imagine you are weary of the cumulative effects of [...]