Client Communications
As a way of helping understand how our advisors work with clients over the course of differing types of markets, the following includes emails and letters sent to clients over time. It is important to pay particular attention to the publication date to ensure an appropriate understanding of the relationship between the article and what was actually transpiring at that moment in time. Markets change over time and so does our advice to clients.
A Brief Update
Over the past two weeks, volatility has picked up and [...]
Making Comparisons Meaningful
I hope you are all well and enjoying a beautiful [...]
Asset Class Rotation and Momentum Investing
Well, after a stellar year of returns for our clients [...]
Market Conditions
This image provides the overall, equity market conditions based [...]
Update from White Oak
The IRS has announced that the federal income tax filing [...]
IRS Deadline Changes
Yesterday, the Treasury Department & IRS extended the federal tax [...]